Sunday, June 28, 2009

Recovering the Lost Post...

Hi there, C here,

I will try to recreate some of the content from the lost post over the next few posts.

It's Monday afternoon and we returned a while ago from the zoo.
We're waiting out some passing storm clouds before we hit the pool.
Lisa has the boys - trying to get them to nap.
(Not yet before I left...)


On our Bus ride BACK from Dalian, at least we had a new Driver!

We were fortunate enough to be able to see the movie "No Reservations" AGAIN.
It was the feature on the trip TO Dalian the day before!
The voices were dubbed in Chinese, but we'd seen it already so it almost made sense!
The good news - there were subtitles.
The bad news - they were in Chinese, too!

Right after the movie, we were treated to a really bad program called "Les Dennis's Video Heroes"
Imagine "America's Funniest Home Videos" - but in Chinese, and not terrible funny.
Lots of sleeping cats falling off of things, slips & falls, and kids careening down sledding slopes upending unsuspecting adults.
There you have it - now you don't have to watch.
(You can thank me later...)

On the bus, Lisa & Kyle shared a right side single seat while I had Dylan.
I had to make a quick potty stop before the bus made the rest area, so I ventured back...
The bus we rode on was pretty nice and had two doors, one at front and one mid-coach.
Inside the mid coach door were three steep steps up to the seating area.
The "restroom" was just to the right of these three steps.
Picture, if you will the on-board restroom on a commuter prop-job airplane.
Now shave 2 feet off width AND 2 feet off depth.
Now imaging the ceiling starting just inside the door at about 5' 8" and angling to the back at 45 degrees!
I couldn't stand up straight - thank god I was quick because my hip and knees were starting to lock up!
And, as you can imagine it could have been tidier.
This thing made the public stalls at 30th Street Station (Philly Train Station) seem spacious and sparkling!
No further description will be given...again, you can thank me later.

Across from Lisa and directly in front of Dylan and me sat Miss Veronica.
Next to her was a larger man who had been napping.
As I emerged and returned to my seat, Kyle announced:
"Miss Veronica that man beside you is snoring very loud and it's hurting my ears!"
Without ANY hesitation, Miss Veronica poked the man awake and "urged" him to stop snoring.
She spoke in Chinese, but I would bet a paycheck that her command didn't include the phrase "Pardon me for interrupting, sir...'
Miss Veronica doesn't pull any punches. In fact I can imagine that she's delivered some - deservingly so.
Once again Miss Veronica, our most excellent guide to the rescue!
(She actually had to wake this man THREE more times!)

There is more to come but I've got to run.
Gotta go pay too much to a local shopkeeper for doing our laundry.
Hopefully, we'll get all of OUR stuff and none of anyone else's.

I hope this POSTS!!!!


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