Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy "5 Years in our Forever Family Day", Dylan !!!

Another Milestone - another Note to Mark the Occasion...

FIVE YEARS ago today (June 22, 2009) we were excited to welcome a young Dylan to our Family.  I can still remember seeing him for the first time on that day.  He was just a sweet little boy uncertain of what life would bring.

In case you're wondering, he doing wonderfully and has become a great big-brother to Ashley and a supportive little brother for Kyle.  That's somewhat appropriate since one of his favorite TV shows is "The Middle".  His other favorite are "Lab Rats" and "American Ninja Warrior". (Oh, I almost forgot "Wipeout" and "Amazing Race").

Dylan has really gotten very skilled as a Razor Scooter expert, and he loves riding his bike.  He likes Soccer most and is also really good at tossing a Frisbee.  He's starting his second week of Summer Camp tomorrow.  He's coming off a great year in First Grade and he is really starting to grow as a reading and a solver of math problems.  He's looking forward to the start of Second Grade in the fall.

Our summer is off to a pretty good start and we try to keep busy as a family every weekend.

Her a a few Pictures...

At Ringing Rocks Park

At the Arboretum

At Dutch Wonderland (excavating Dino Bones)

(at the DW WaterPark)

On the Beach in Michigan at Memorial Day

Three shots from our Family Vacation in Cancun Mexico...

Looking for Cool Shells

Hamming it up in the Pool with his brother

Dylan trimming the Sail and Kyle on the Rudder

At Valley Forge National Park

D-man as "Spiderman"

Dylan at his cousin Logan's LAX Tournament

They were so jazzed to see Logan playing LAX, that the very next day (today, that is...), both Dylan and Kyle spent their own money to get LAX sticks!!  I better brush up myself so I can keep up!!

That's all for now...

Thanks or being such a great part of our family for the past five years, Dylan.
We Love You.
Mom & Dad

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